In order of appearance:
The top photo is of Nate Otto, cashier at the local Bi Mart on Philomath Blvd. When I told Nate about the project I was doing, he enthusiastically smiled as he posed for me after finishing ringing up some customers.
The second one from the top is Elsa Nunez Parmelee. She co-owns the La Rocita in Philomath on Main St. She mostly does cashiering because she speaks both English and Spanish.
The third photo is of Andrew Bowder, who is a business student at LBCC and is the current manager of the Hot Shot Coffee Cart (also at LBCC). While Bowder is the manager, he also does some cashiering for the coffee cart.
The fourth picture was taken at Thriftway in Philomath (also on Main St.). Shoni Esquiro is making change for a customer (not shown in the photo).
The final photo is of Diana Woodhouse, one of the cashiers at Quiznos on Philomath Blvd (in the same shopping plaza as Bi Mart. Diana was great about being totally natural when I took her photo as she handed the customer the receipt. The man behind her is Adam Lindsley, a resident of Corvallis.