Epic Fail
Most of us have heard this phrase (epic fail), but do we know what it really means? Briana Conrad, a student here at LBCC, sums it up pretty accurately as a “major set-back."
So what constitutes as an epic fail? You'll notice in the blurps below that there are two common factors: embarrassment and more problems. Let's look at those stories that have happened to LBCC students...
Wrong side of the bed
You’ve had “one of those mornings” right? Jaerod Case is having one of them now. He is supposed to carpool with Ivan Watts. Of course Watts is unreachable.
Case has now arrived tardy to school, hence the hurried grabbing of textbooks. Case comes to find (in class) that they are the wrong books.
Now, in class, Case has discovered that he has an assignment due. This assignment is not complete. Case quietly exits the class to go do his assignment.
You might want to check your alarm and your time management skills Case.
Run Forrest, Run!
Every term Devin Winters makes an effort to memorize his schedule. Today, he remembers what his classes are, however the times are a little mixed up in his brain
He is now standing in the Athletic Center, realizing that he actually has a speech class in North Santiam, happening right now.
“I quite literally run to my class”, Winters confides. On one of these unfortunate days, his overburdened back pack suddenly breaks at both straps.
Winters, it's time you got a new backpack.
Oh $%!&
It is fall term of 2009. Bryce Kuenzi is sitting in his 3D Design class and has just instructed them to do an assignment involving form and function (“or whatever”-Kuenzi).
Now that the instructor is out of sight, Kuenzi feels it is appropriate to colorfully voice his displeasure about the assignment and the instructor.
The entire class is witness, as well the instructor herself (who is crouched down fixing a computer).
What will Kuenzi do? “Deny, deny, deny!” (Kuenzi). However, Kuenzi is feeling a little guilty. He is going to apologize to the instructor and fess up.
The truth shall set you free Kuenzi.
Dude, where’s my class?
Corey Breitbach has successfully obtained permission to take Illustration II even though he hasn’t taken Illustration I. Unfortunately, he can’t find the classroom.
He asks a friendly lady in North Santiam to direct him. He takes a seat, and begins to absorb the new, unfamiliar material to him.
This goes on for about two weeks when one day the instructor approaches him and asks “Did I sign a waitlist slip for you? I don’t have you on my roster”.
At this moment, Breitbach is suspicious that he is attending the wrong class. “Now I have to take as much as I can of Multimedia II, however, I will receive an incomplete”, Breitbach laughs.
Apparently Breitbach missed the memo (aka the syllabus).
Based on these incidents, it's understandable that an epic fail is hard to define. However, now we can recognize one when we witness it
At a glance:
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