I confess: I have a "slight" addiction to Dove Chocolate. While the chocolate is of course delicious, the messages on the wrappers are my favorite part. One day, I decided to save the wrappers and use them for writing prompts, especially for when I was having writer's blog (like today).
Prompt: Do what feels right
The phrase "gut instinct" comes to mind. A cliche example is in police drama TV shows (like CSI) or medical dramas (like House). Often times a doctor or police officer successfully executes a dramatic, life saving manuver based on an internal ("gut") instinct. That's another way of saying that it just "felt right".
Love is another example of trusting feelings. There is no "tried and true" method that applies to every relationship out there. Couples and individuals develop their relationships based on things that feel right. "Is this person right for me"? "What is love supposed to be like"? "Is this love"? These are common questions that can only be answered from a confirmational positive feeling.
Doing what feels right doesn't always guarentee ideal results. For example, "giving in" to peer pressure may feel right at the time, however often times this leads to difficult consequences (examples: unexpected/unwanted pregnancies, drug addiction, etc).
This phrase has both positive and negative senarios and consequences. However, ironically, for each situation, it is up to the individual to decide. In the "spur of the moment", the decision is left to gut instint.
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