Unlike those poor souls in Office Space, I do not have a case of the Mondays. I do have, however, weddings on my mind (go ahead, ask why). So for my photo critique assignment, I chose to look at photos pertaining to this topic on Flickr.com (great photo website).
Here is the picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeannemariepics/3989854981/
I like this photo because it's fun and intimate. The bride and groom (or at least let's hope it's the groom) are standing by the ocean. The ocean and light blue (but softly cloudy) really add serenity to the tender happy kiss the groom gives his bride (on the nose no less). The colorful flowers and happy-almost-laughing smile of the bride make the photo fun.
The only thing I don't like is that my eyes always go to the flowers. I'd rather have my eyes go to the bride and her man. The flowers are so colorful and centered that it's a distraction from the couple.
Credit: jeannemarie@flickr
Not for me. I first saw the man's glasses pressed up against her head as he's trying to plant one on her nose. I didn't even notice the flowers until you mentioned them. Figures.