Tuesday, December 7, 2010

To Be, Or Not To Be Beautiful

 (photo from http://goodnewspic.com/2010/08/23/miss-universe-2010.html)

As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And if the beholder happens to be a guy you've had your eye on, surely you're gonna pull out all the stops to make him catch give you a second glance.

So you've gone to the gym, diligently stuck to your diet, waxed EVERYWHERE, gotten your hair, nails and makeup done...right?

Ladies, if you are not that high maintenance, then you have a problem.

Now, I am aware this is the OPPOSITE of what most you believe: it's beauty on the INSIDE that counts. Well, sorry girls, but I have some honest, bad news: men do care about what's on the inside, but they also care a lot about what's on the outside.

To quote Psychology Today's writer Amy Alkon, "being beautiful means being sexually appealing to men. And then instead of snarling that male sexuality is evil, we need to accept that it's just different..." (from her article "The Truth About Beauty")

According to psychologists, men are just more sexually "visual" than women. Men like to be "turned on" by what they see when they are having sex. So if a woman isn't physically attractive, their sex life will most likely have problems, if it even exists at all.

It seems unfair.But takeYourTango's contributing author Evan Marc Katz's advice: "Would the world be a better place if being 60 lbs overweight didn't matter? Sure... But that's not the world we live in. And the people who do best in the world we live in are not the ones who try to rewrite the rules of society but, rather, figure out how to navigate them successfully." (from his article "Why It's OK For Men To Judge Women On Their Looks")

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