Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Take a Shot, Take a Turn

People rave about my photos. I'm an amature really. And yet Shaun has asked me, "Why are you going to school for journalism?" I reply with writing has always been my passion. He then gently tells me, "You're a much better photographer."

Both are very challenging fields to go into. You have to be current, artistic, tech savvy, and very experienced. But I wouldn't be happy doing anything else. Working at the portrait studio and writing for the LBCC paper showed me that.

I guess one will do as a fall back career. I mean, I like both and I've been working on developing skills for both. I shouldn't be discouraged at the fact that my photography is coming along better than my writing. All the great and good writers slaved over their work, and took years to get really good at it.

While working on both is a great idea, shouldn't one get a priority? The more focus you dedicate to something, the better it becomes. So which will it be: toiling in the long held passion, or running with the new found talent?

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