Friday, February 26, 2010

Stephen King is my hero

I loved "On Writing". The anecdotes are incredibly funny yet also very insightful. For example, the stories he shares concerning his wife always make me smile, but they also help me things in my relationship, and how it all applies to writing (i.e. support). Another interesting clip was when he discussed his problems with abusing alcohol and drugs. He finally acknowledged that good writers don't have to be in a drug induced altered state to be good.

Three specific things that I learned consist of understanding that the paragraph is the framework of a story, great writers have a talent so you can't make a great writer out of a bad writer, and all you really need is one supporting person to continue writing. I really appreciate this book and all the wisdom and tips it has given me.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog Commentary

I never knew Frank was so into writing until I read one of his blog posts. His review on the Book of Eli will help you decide whether or not you want to see the movie (if you haven't already). I'm actually considering watching it now. The preview didn't do much for me. Frank's post was way more insightful. I like how there were other sources included that also reviewed the movie. I also like how Frank's voice was separate from the other reviews. One of my favorite lines from the other sources was "It grips your attention and then at the end throws in several "WTF!" moments". Frank's description of the Book of Eli as being a "page turner of a movie" was an excellent description. Being an avid reader, that really peaked my interest.

Great post Frank!

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