Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Photography Ponderings

So, this past week I did my first photo shoot with someone who I'm not close with. Jin is an acting student at Boise State, and through Craigslist we arranged to do an "art trade": in exchange for me taking and giving her head shots that she could include with her resumes, I could keep the photos (and take additional ones) to be used in my portfolio (both physical and on the internet). Thanks to this experience, I now have a Facebook page dedicated to my photography (APhotography) and I am becoming comfortable photographing people I barely know. I also am now aware I need more pictures of guys to broaden my portfolio. I've noticed that it's very easy for me to photograph women (it's easier to think of poses, know what's flattering, etc).

So, in the up coming months, I plan on photographing some men (other than Shaun) and shooting my first ever wedding (with a second one lined up right after that.

I'm really excited. Things are nicely falling into place for me here, both career wise and education wise.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

the Boise Blog

Ok, seeing as I'm going to be a desert dweller for the next 2+ years, I might as well document this experience (so I never make this mistake again, lol). Future posts may have the title "Boise Blog Article..." these will be about the adventures we're having out here.

Hopefully this project will keep me from going completely insane...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome Back Alx

I'm back. I hadn't been writing or taking any photos. I felt unmotivated and dead inside. I was really starting to worry.

Now, I am set for orientation at Boise State, planning on double majoring in journalism and photography, and I have a few photo gigs lined up. I'm also planning some fun things to post on here in regards to our Boise adventure.

I feel better. I feel like myself again. Thank you God.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Take a Shot, Take a Turn

People rave about my photos. I'm an amature really. And yet Shaun has asked me, "Why are you going to school for journalism?" I reply with writing has always been my passion. He then gently tells me, "You're a much better photographer."

Both are very challenging fields to go into. You have to be current, artistic, tech savvy, and very experienced. But I wouldn't be happy doing anything else. Working at the portrait studio and writing for the LBCC paper showed me that.

I guess one will do as a fall back career. I mean, I like both and I've been working on developing skills for both. I shouldn't be discouraged at the fact that my photography is coming along better than my writing. All the great and good writers slaved over their work, and took years to get really good at it.

While working on both is a great idea, shouldn't one get a priority? The more focus you dedicate to something, the better it becomes. So which will it be: toiling in the long held passion, or running with the new found talent?

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