Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dropped off the Blogger Earth. I'm Back Now!

Excuses for my absence: work, back in school and married now. It's been huge.

Everyday I wake up, I am grateful for where I am now. My mind and heart are stimulated with school and love for and from my friends and family.

You know, I've been thinking: I need a niche. Why? Because I don't have one. (this is where you laugh)

I also want one. I feel like I have should have one, as a journalist. I need some defining factors. I love sociology, psychology, photography, and communication. I like organization, a bit of a clear path.

Right now, my blog feels random and disorganized.

Suggestions are welcome. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Updates :)

I can't believe my last post was in March. I just got the memo that it's June. I guess it's time for some important updates (at least, I think they are important).

  1. I made a Facebook page for my developing photography skills: APhotography. I'm really pleased with my work, considering I've had very little formal training. 
  2. August is fast approaching, and I'm ready to go back to college. I'm planning on double majoring in photography and journalism, and minoring in sociology and psychology. I think these areas will provide me with an excellent career post graduation.
  3. The wedding plans are coming along well. There's still quite a bit to do, but fortunately, no one has labeled me as Bridezilla yet. 
  4. Having recently turned 21, I've had the privilege of exploring downtown. It's pretty nice. I like the size of Boise. It's not too big of a city, but it's not too small either. It's just right. The only "thing" that would make Boise perfect for me is if my friends and family were living here with me. At least I have Shaun and some new friends.
So, to conclude (for now): that's life in Boise (for me anyway)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Photography Ponderings

So, this past week I did my first photo shoot with someone who I'm not close with. Jin is an acting student at Boise State, and through Craigslist we arranged to do an "art trade": in exchange for me taking and giving her head shots that she could include with her resumes, I could keep the photos (and take additional ones) to be used in my portfolio (both physical and on the internet). Thanks to this experience, I now have a Facebook page dedicated to my photography (APhotography) and I am becoming comfortable photographing people I barely know. I also am now aware I need more pictures of guys to broaden my portfolio. I've noticed that it's very easy for me to photograph women (it's easier to think of poses, know what's flattering, etc).

So, in the up coming months, I plan on photographing some men (other than Shaun) and shooting my first ever wedding (with a second one lined up right after that.

I'm really excited. Things are nicely falling into place for me here, both career wise and education wise.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

the Boise Blog

Ok, seeing as I'm going to be a desert dweller for the next 2+ years, I might as well document this experience (so I never make this mistake again, lol). Future posts may have the title "Boise Blog Article..." these will be about the adventures we're having out here.

Hopefully this project will keep me from going completely insane...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome Back Alx

I'm back. I hadn't been writing or taking any photos. I felt unmotivated and dead inside. I was really starting to worry.

Now, I am set for orientation at Boise State, planning on double majoring in journalism and photography, and I have a few photo gigs lined up. I'm also planning some fun things to post on here in regards to our Boise adventure.

I feel better. I feel like myself again. Thank you God.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Take a Shot, Take a Turn

People rave about my photos. I'm an amature really. And yet Shaun has asked me, "Why are you going to school for journalism?" I reply with writing has always been my passion. He then gently tells me, "You're a much better photographer."

Both are very challenging fields to go into. You have to be current, artistic, tech savvy, and very experienced. But I wouldn't be happy doing anything else. Working at the portrait studio and writing for the LBCC paper showed me that.

I guess one will do as a fall back career. I mean, I like both and I've been working on developing skills for both. I shouldn't be discouraged at the fact that my photography is coming along better than my writing. All the great and good writers slaved over their work, and took years to get really good at it.

While working on both is a great idea, shouldn't one get a priority? The more focus you dedicate to something, the better it becomes. So which will it be: toiling in the long held passion, or running with the new found talent?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's Inspiring, It's Sexy, It's Burlesque

Burlesque is a inspiring, beautiful musical staring Christina Aguilera as Ali, a young singer/dancer that escapes her dull life in Iowa, Cher as Tess, sexy owner of the club Burlesque, Eric Dane as Markus, the "bad guy", and Cam Gigandet as Jack, the heartthrob.

Upon arriving in L.A. after purchasing a one-way ticket from Iowa, Ali immediately begins searching for her dream job: being a singer. With rejections crossed out in a local paper, Ali finds herself at the night club Burlesque, owned by Tess, a former singer/dancer herself. When Tess initially says "come audition some other time," Ali turns to her new friend Jack for a waitress position at the club.

Slowly, Ali starts climbing the ladder of success, but not without slipping on a few of the rungs. The other girls shun her, Markus is only interested in her fame, and the club starts going under. Tess struggles to keep her club and the girls together. Both need to make some careful choices and take some daring risks to live their dreams.

Written and directed by Steve Antin (The Goonies), Burlesque is a sexy musical tailored to the female audience.With an inspirational plot, soul touching songs and outrageous dancing, Burlesque is a romantic thriller that deserves to be enjoyed again and again by women above the age of thirteen.

1hr 59min‎ - ‎Rated PG-13‎ - ‎Drama

Gone crazy, dunno if I'm ever coming back.

I caught up with the crazy train. Now I'm sitting on the roof, cuz I don't have a ticket, and I'm watching the scenery blur by while I fold clothes and inquire "are you finding everything ok?" I watched Burlesque tonight, and began wishing I was a thin, beautiful singer and dancer. But no. That is not my life. And thank God it's not.

The movies make that life seem so easy and sexy...desirable. I know that life...the life of an artist. I am one. Except I write, and take photos. I'm working on achieving my dream, surfacing above the cutthroat competition and seeing my name under a byline.

Rather than live the life portrayed by Christina Aguilera, I'm choosing to mimic Stephen King and Edna Buchanan: reach out to writing opportunities while trying to pay the bills with a low skilled, minimum wage job.

I also dream of love. I know that life too. I'm engaged to a wonderful man who is also chasing his dream. We drove into the desert...seeing employment and academic opportunities. We've both tasted the life styles we want, and now we're wading through the shit to get there.

Each day I fold a shirt, watch the clock, and count down the months until I can put the uniform away and walk into a classroom, eyes already glazed over in anticipation of a lecture.

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